Family Creeking - 30452216

Family Creeking

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Activity Details

Family Creeking

Meeting Details

Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Days: Sun
Highbanks Big Meadow Picnic Area
9466 Columbus Pike
Lewis Center, OH, 43035


Age older than or equal to 3.00 and younger than or equal to 99.00. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.

Family Creeking

Explore the Olentangy River to look for some of the animals that live there. Be prepared to get wet! Shoes required in the river for your safety. Please no flip flops or crocs. Limited supply of buckets and nets. All animals will be released back into the river at the end of the program. Don't forget a towel and complete a change of clothes to dry off after the program.

Meeting location notes:Highbanks Metro Park-Big Meadows Picnic Area. This meeting location is located near the back of the park area in the back of the park. After you enter the park, take the main road down the hill. At the bottom of the hill, a sign will be on the right side saying "Big Meadows picnic area". After the sign, take the ROAD on the LEFT. Park in the first lot on the left. Meet near the restrooms/bulletin board/playground area.


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